Sunday, 9 August 2015

Animal Tales at the British Library

I was incredibly honoured to open the fantastic new Animal Tales exhibition at the British Library last week – and to see Varjak Paw there as one of the exhibits!  

It's a terrific exhibition, covering animal stories from Aesop and Ovid through classics like The Jungle Books and Watership Down, and onto the present day.  As someone who loves books and libraries, it was very emotional for me to see Varjak Paw there among all those classics.  So I'd like to thank the British Library, and curators Matthew Shaw, Alison Bailey and Barbara Hawes – and here's a transcript of the speech I made, with some thoughts about animal stories:

It's a great honour to be here at the British Library to open this wonderful exhibition of Animal Tales - and an even greater honour to see my book Varjak Paw as one of the exhibits!  It's particularly thrilling for me because many of the books in the exhibition had a profound influence on me as I was growing up, and then later, as an adult working on my own writing.  Books such as Watership Down and The Jungle Books are among the most formative and important that I have ever read.

But then, I think that animal tales have had a profound influence upon most of us.  The earliest known human art is all about animals.  They dominate the human imagination from the moment that paintings appear in the caves of Chauvet and Lascaux and Altamira.  

Animals are also visible in the oldest surviving sculptures, such as the 40,000 year old Lion Man who mesmerised crowds at the recent exhibition of Ice Age art at the British Museum.  That exhibition showed just how deeply animals were embedded in the early human imagination – both as subjects of what appear to be closely observed nature studies, and as the focus a seemingly more magical kind of thinking, in which animals shade into the human, and the divine.

The exhibition that we're opening tonight shows us that animals are just as deeply embedded in human storytelling traditions as in visual arts.  They are ubiquitous in ancient mythologies, and remain present in so many traditional fairytales and folk tales from around the world.  And at the very moment that animals began to disappear from most people's daily lives, in the 19th Century, there was an extraordinary explosion of animal literature which continues to the present day, and is beautifully represented here. 

Why is this?  Why have animals not disappeared from our imaginations; but if anything, become a larger presence there than ever?

Perhaps because, as Claude Lévi-Strauss once observed, "animals are not chosen because they are good to eat, but because they are good to think".   

I love this idea that animals are good to think.  John Berger, in essay his 'Why Look At Animals?', takes it even further: "It is not unreasonable to suppose that the first metaphor was animal."  For animals give us so many ways to think about the world, and our experience of being in it.   

There is no one single form of the Animal Tale.  There are many kinds, and they use animals in many different ways. 

Anna Sewell's Black Beauty is widely seen as beginning the modern preoccupation with animal welfare, by crediting animals with subjectivity, agency, sentience – encapsulated in that marvellous author credit, "Translated from the original equine by Anna Sewell."  But this is a tradition that runs from the anthropomorphic tales of Beatrix Potter to the rigorously observed nature writing of Henry Williamson's Tarka The Otter; from the magical talking animals of CS Lewis's Narnia books to the political allegory of Orwell's Animal Farm or Art Speigelman's Maus. 

Animal writing and art are such broad and diverse traditions; every writer and artist brings something new, something of their own to it.

For my part – I have to admit, I didn't set out to write an animal story as such when I wrote Varjak Paw.  The story began when I got a new kitten.  He was very young when we first got him, and had never been outside in his whole life.  I will never forget the first time he went outside.  He went out into the garden, and at the bottom of the garden was a high stone wall, a hundred times bigger than he was.  But before anyone could stop him, this tiny kitten ran straight up the face of the wall, until he was sitting on the very top, looking out at the whole world, for the first time ever.

I thought this was incredible, and had to write a story about it.  Who among us hasn't at some point in their lives felt like someone very small, facing a very big world for the first time, all alone?  That, for me, is what Varjak Paw is really about, more than cats, as such.  And yet – the cattier I made it, the more powerful it seemed as metaphor.  The more specifically feline my story became, the more universally human it seemed, too.

The same was true with the illustration of Varjak Paw.  Again, I remember wanting my cats to look like real cats, not cute fluffy cartoon cats.  And Dave McKean had drawn the cattiest cats I'd ever seen in his comic Cages, and that was why I thought he would be perfect for Varjak Paw – as well as the fact that he's my favourite artist!  But again: the cattier Dave made the cats, the more universal they became.  To the point where Varjak Paw has now travelled the world, been read by hundreds of thousands of people, and now finds itself here, tonight, in this extraordinary company.

I can't explain or unpick all that.  I can't tell you why animal stories are still so popular, so powerful, so compelling.  I can't even tell you why my new book, Phoenix, has a Phoenix in it - or why the next book, that I'm writing right now – TYGER – is all about a tiger! 

What I can tell you is that this animal stuff goes very deep.  It touches something powerful and profound for children and adults alike; and it is an enormous honour to see my work as part of this tradition, and this exhibition.  Thank you very much.  

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Author Visits: Haberdashers' School For Girls

Last week, I had the great pleasure of visiting Haberdashers' School For Girls as part of their Literature Festival.  Other speakers at the Festival included the brilliant authors Linda Newbery, Sita Brahmachari and Meg Rosoff, so it was an honour to be invited!  I'd like to say a very big thank you to everyone I met there for giving me such a wonderful welcome.

I talked to Years 4 and 5 about writing and books, and discovered that they were fantastic readers.  It was amazing for me to meet so many fans of both Varjak Paw and Phoenix, and to hear so many inspiring stories!

I answered lots of terrific questions on the day, but we didn't have quite enough time to answer them all.  So if anyone from Haberdashers' would like to ask another question, or would like to say anything about the visit or about books and writing, just leave me a comment below!

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Author Visits: New North Academy

I've had the pleasure of visiting New North Academy twice before: first when I met last year's Year 6s, and then when I attended their production of Varjak Paw: The Musical!  So I was delighted to come back and meet this year's Year 6s, and to find that they'd been reading my new book, Phoenix.

It was amazing to see all the work they'd done around Phoenix, and to hear all their thoughts about it.  When you spend seven years writing a book, it's wonderful to get such great feedback on it.  They also presented me with a beautiful bound book of reviews and artwork that they'd made!  Here are a few of them – click on the pictures to see them large:

So I'd just like to say a big thank you to Year 6, and to their teachers, Fiona Gunn-Stokes and Alexander Hall.  And if anyone at New North Academy has any more questions that they'd like to ask, or would like to say anything about the visit or my books, just leave me a comment below!

Monday, 15 June 2015

Author Visits: WhitLit

Whitstable Literary Festival is only in its second year, but it's already established itself as one of the most exciting new book festivals in the UK.  A lot of great writers have been involved, so I was thrilled to be invited to come and talk about writing Varjak Paw and Phoenix!

It was an absolute pleasure to meet the young readers of Whitstable, who knocked me out with their enthusiasm for books and reading!  I heard some amazing stories, and some brilliant questions.

It was also a pleasure to sign books at the end.  But if there was anyone who wanted a book signed and didn't get one on the day, just get in touch with Harbour Books (21 Harbour Street), and we'll arrange for a signed bookplate to be sent to you.

Thanks again to everyone who was part of the day, especially Festival director Victoria Falconer and bookseller Liz Waller from Harbour Books (below), and everyone who came and made it such a great event.  And if you'd like to see more pictures from the day, here's a fantastic gallery on the Canterbury Times website!

Monday, 25 May 2015

Author Visits: Wrexham Carnival Of Words

I'm a big fan of book festivals.  I love attending them myself, and seeing my favourite authors talk about their work.  So I'm thrilled whenever I'm invited to visit a festival.

The Wrexham Carnival Of Words is a new festival, but it's already establishing itself as a brilliant one.  It was a real honour to be invited by the organisers, Charlotte Jones and Shan Cooper, to talk to a festival audience about my books.

Many schools in and around Wrexham took part; there were more than 200 people there! It was fantastic to be able to meet so many young readers, and to see their enormous enthusiasm for books and writing.

We didn't have quite enough time to answer all the questions that everyone had, so if anyone in Wrexham would still like to ask me anything, or to make a comment about the event or about my books, this is the place to do it!

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Author Visits: The Institute Of Education Library

I'm a huge fan of libraries.  I write my books in them, and I couldn't do my work without them.  So it was an absolute honour to be asked to open the new children's book corner in the Institute Of Education Library!

The Institute Of Education trains student teachers, who then go out and apply what they've learned in classrooms around the country.  This book corner offers them a brilliant resource, to help them learn how to bring books to life for young readers.

It supports the idea of reading for pleasure, which is something I believe in very strongly.  Reading should be fun, and books should be a great thing to display in classrooms, as this book corner shows!

It was also wonderful to hear about work that teachers have done with my books.  I'm always humbled and inspired to learn that Varjak Paw or Phoenix has been shared and enjoyed in a school.  So a huge thank you to the Institute Of Education, to the brilliant Sue McGonigle for inviting me – and to all teachers who have kept the Way alive!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Varjak Paw – The Musical!

Earlier this year, I had the enormous pleasure of visiting Mercenfeld Primary.  The brilliant teacher who invited me, Amber Rao, told me they were planning to stage a musical version of Varjak Paw.  And they did: it was staged at the end of last term!

I heard all about it on Twitter, where people were saying it was the best show they'd ever seen.  I was absolutely knocked out when I saw the pictures: it looks seriously brilliant.  So here are some of them, with huge thanks to Amber and everyone at Mercenfeld for making such a fantastic show from my book – I am so honoured!!!

PS! Mercenfeld have now posted a video of the Varjak Paw musical!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

The Top 10 Children's Books Of All Time

I was asked to vote in a BBC poll to find the top 10 children's books of all time.  I found it impossible to pick 10; whatever I chose, brilliant books got left out!  So I know this list is problematic, and I might choose another 10 books on another day.  But I'm in favour of anything that celebrates children's books, and reminds us how many classics the field has produced.  So here's my list, in chronological order.  What would be on your top 10?

by Rudyard Kipling (1893-5)

by E Nesbit (1899)

by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1943)

by CS Lewis (1950)

by Ursula Le Guin (1968)

by Penelope Farmer (1969)

by Richard Adams (1972)

by Roald Dahl (1988)

by Jacqueline Wilson (1991)

by Philip Pullman (1995-2000)

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Phoenix wins the Warwickshire Secondary Schools Book Awards!

I was absolutely thrilled when Phoenix was short-listed for the Warwickshire Secondary Book Awards!

These awards are voted for by readers around the county.  Previous winners include Michelle Paver's Wolf Brother, Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson, and Patrick Ness's A Monster Calls.  So it was a huge honour to see Phoenix short-listed by the brilliant librarians of the Warwickshire Schools' Library Service!

There were some fantastic authors and books on this year's short-list.  In the centre of the picture below is the great Berlie Doherty, who's won the Carnegie Medal twice with classics such as Dear Nobody.  On the right is Hilton Pashley, whose book Gabriel's Clock sounds like one of the most exciting debuts of recent years.  Unable to join us on the day, but definitely very popular with readers, were the fabulous Jonathan Stroud, Phil Earle and Tania Unsworth.

The ceremony was brilliantly organised by Stella Thebridge and Hannah Thomson.  We saw some fantastic presentations about the shortlisted books by Warwickshire Secondary students.  Here's the presentation on Phoenix:

And we saw some terrific art that the students had made, inspired by the books.  Here's a superb illustration of Frollix, complete with Axxa horns and hooves and flaming eyes!

It's a very moving thing for an author to see readers' responses to their work, especially when those responses are so positive!  I don't think I've ever seen a more brilliant buzz around books than at this ceremony.  It felt amazing to be there, part of a wonderful celebration of reading.  So I got very emotional when it was announced that Phoenix had won the Award.

I'd like to say a very big thank you to everyone who took part in the awards, not just on the day, but throughout the whole process.  And I'd like to say an extra-big thank you to Warwickshire SLS for a truly unforgettable day, and for championing and celebrating books so brilliantly!