Showing posts with label World Book Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Book Day. Show all posts

Friday 8 March 2024

World Book Day 2024

Every year, I am blown away by all the amazing things that people do to celebrate books on World Book Day! I love it - it really is an incredible thing for a writer to see their books being celebrated in that way.  So here are some of the highlights I've seen this year...

Thursday 2 March 2023

World Book Day 2023

Happy World Book Day 2023!  This year, I made a World Book Day video of me reading aloud from Tyger, and it's been amazing to see people watching it in classrooms, libraries and homes around the world. And I absolutely love seeing all the different ways people celebrate their favourite books, so here are some of the incredible pictures I've seen this year - including the very first ever World Book Day TYGER costumes!  Huge and heartfelt thanks to everyone!

Monday 27 February 2023

World Book Day 2023 - SF Said Reads Tyger!

For World Book Day this year, I've made a video of me reading from my new book TYGER!  Here it is – I hope you enjoy it!  And if you do, please pass it on to anyone else you know who might enjoy it too!

Thursday 3 March 2022

World Book Day 2022

Happy World Book Day 2022!  I'm in favour of anything that celebrates books and reading, so I love World Book Day!  I made a video again this year, and it's been amazing to see that go out into classrooms, libraries and homes around the world. I also love seeing all the different ways that people have found to celebrate their favourite books. So here are some of the brilliant pictures I've seen this year, with thanks to everyone involved!



Sunday 20 February 2022

World Book Day Video 2022

Here's a brand new video I've made for World Book Day 2022!  It's all about reading and writing for pleasure.  There's also a sneak peek of my new book TYGER, which will be published later this year!

It's absolutely free for anyone to watch on YouTube.  I'd also be delighted for schools and libraries to show it in World Book Day assemblies and activities; you don't need to ask my permission to show it!  

I hope you enjoy it – and if you do, please pass it on to anyone else who you think might enjoy it, too!

Thursday 4 March 2021

World Book Day 2021

Happy World Book Day 2021!  This has been a strange World Book Day, because of the lockdown, but I've been inspired to see all the different ways that people have still found to celebrate books and reading!  It's an amazing thing for an author to see their books and characters being celebrated – so here are some of the brilliant pictures I've seen this year, with thanks to everyone who's taken the time to make these astonishing creations! 




















Tuesday 23 February 2021

A Message For World Book Day 2021

Usually on World Book Day, I'd be visiting schools, talking to classes about reading and books. This year, because of the lockdown, that won't be possible – so instead, I've made a World Book Day video, all about reading and books!  

This video is absolutely free for anyone to watch on YouTube, so if you or your school would like a message from me on World Book Day, here it is:

I hope you enjoy it – and if you do, please pass it on to anyone else who you think might enjoy it, too!

Friday 6 March 2020

World Book Day 2020

Happy World Book Day 2020!  I'm in favour of anything that celebrates books & reading, whether it's dressing up as a character, making a potato, decorating a door, or any of the other activities I've seen people do with my books!  So here are some fantastic pictures I've been sent & tweeted this year: