Friday, 7 March 2025

World Book Day 2025

Every year, I am amazed and inspired to see all the ways that people celebrate books on World Book Day!  It's a wonderful thing for a writer to see.  So here are some of the things that I've seen (and one of things that I've done!) this year...

Here's a very proud reading ambassador on her way to school!

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— Helen Smith ( March 6, 2025 at 8:28 AM


For World Book Day I honoured my mesopotamian feline hero Varjak Paw by And unlike Varjak I stayed indoors ...

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— Little Miss Contrary ( March 7, 2025 at 4:33 PM


Saturday, 8 February 2025

Author Visits: Ark Byron Primary Academy & Ark Priory Primary Academy

I'd like to say a huge THANK YOU to the brilliant librarian Jennifer Ong and the fantastic booksellers of Waterstones Chiswick for organising my first school visit of the year – and to all the children and teachers at Ark Byron and Ark Priory Primary Academies for the wonderful welcome they gave me when I visited them last week!

I had the pleasure of talking to Years 6, 5 and 4 in both schools about reading and writing and books.  It was amazing to see that a lot of them had already read one or more of my books, from Varjak Paw to Tyger.  They were clearly fantastic readers, and I was very impressed at the range of reading they had done - a tribute to the work of their wonderful school librarian!

It was such an inspiring thing for a writer to see so much enthusiasm for books – and there were many more questions than we had time to answer on the day.  So if anyone who was at the visit has a question they would still like to ask, just leave me a comment below!

It was also a total pleasure to sign books for everyone who had ordered one, via the brilliant Waterstones booksellers.  So thank you to them again for organising this visit – and HAPPY READING to everyone at Ark Byron and Ark Priory!