
Monday 27 August 2018

Author Visits: Walton-Le-Dale

I'd like to say a big thank you to Peter Richardson and all the students and staff I met at Walton-Le-Dale Primary School for the wonderful welcome they gave me when I visited them last term!

This is a school where they've been reading my books for a while now, so it was a total pleasure to talk to Years 6, 5, 4 and 3 about reading and books – and then to have sessions with Year 3, and to see the amazing work they've been doing with Varjak Paw!

Here are some T-shirts they've printed with symbols inspired by the Way of Jalal!  I also heard some brilliant stories that they'd written; I was so impressed with their work, I decided to share some of it here.  So here's a link to the full text of a story called 'Life' by Dylan N – this is the first page:

And here's a link to the full text of a story called DJ Doggie, by Zoe L – here's the first page again:

So WELL DONE to everyone at Walton-Le-Dale – I hope you all keep reading, and keep writing!  And thanks again for a fantastic visit!

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