
Thursday 19 September 2013

New Photography

I've written before on this blog about my favourite hobby, photography.  So this week I thought I'd share some Polaroid pictures I've made in various places around the world, while writing Phoenix and working on my next book...

These two were done at Stonehenge.

This one was at Angkor Wat, in Cambodia.

These two were in Greece: the Tombs of Mycenae (above), and a castle in the middle of the sea at Napflio (below).

This one was in Kerry, Ireland, right on the edge of the Atlantic.

And finally, this one was done in London, in Hyde Park, not far from where I lived in the years when I wrote The Outlaw Varjak Paw.  I hope you like them - click on the images if you want to see them nice & large!


  1. as always great!
    I love photography.Someday I will also do photography. My country is extremely beautiful, we do not have such cities as in England, but we have a very beautiful nature. If you ever come to Russia, I would love to show you the beauty of our nature.

    1. Thank you very much, Ivan! Photography is a great hobby, I really recommend it. I think it helps to you see the world more clearly, which is great for a writer!

  2. In our world there are many beautiful places, the most beautiful I try to shoot at the camera.

  3. Dear SF Said
    The book Varjak , all characters have vivid characters.
    Say you come up with them yourself or you are with someone charged?

    1. Many thanks for your comment Ivan. I'm not sure I understand the question, it's probably a translation problem - could you try asking it again slightly differently?

  4. well
    How did you come up with the characters of the heroes of the book varjak?
    They have a very vivid temper.
    You yourself have come up with them?
    Or have heroes like Sally bones, holly, Razor, is a prototype, in real life?

    1. The characters are totally fictional. Even if they had their origins in something in real life - for example, I started writing the book while watching my own cat - they quickly develop a life of their own, and a logic of their own.

  5. Hi SF you visited my school today (Park Hill Juniour school in Kenilworth) and you were so interesting to listen to I wanted to thank you.

    1. Hi there! Thank you so much for your comment, that really means a lot to me. I enjoyed visiting Park Hill very much, will make a blog about soon!


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