
Thursday 1 August 2013

Phoenix Countdown & Competition: Lift-Off!!!

And so at last my new book Phoenix is published today!

It should now be on sale in all good bookshops, and all over the web.  The 'Buy Now' button on my publishers' page will take you to lots of places you can find it – including Amazon, Foyles, Waterstones, Blackwells, WH Smith, independent booksellers via Hive, etc...

Happy reading everyone...

...and if you leave a comment on one of the images I've been posting in the last week, I will pick one comment at random and send that reader a signed copy of Phoenix!


  1. Fantastic! Best of luck with the launch. Can't wait to read it.

    1. Yay, thanks so much Jonti, that's really appreciated! I hope you enjoy it - let me know what you think when you've had a chance to read...

  2. So pleased it's here! We have a queue of readers forming an orderly line....

    1. Hooray! That's so great to hear, thanks Emily - and let me know what you all think of it!

  3. Kam
    Fabulous, riveting read, you just cannot put it down.

  4. Wow, thank you so much, Kam! That is beyond brilliant for any writer to hear - I really appreciate your comment, it makes all the hard work of writing it feel worthwhile!

  5. I do hope it's not too late to comment. My son has loved your Varjak books and I bet would love Phoenix!

    1. Hi Regina, thanks so much for commenting, and no it's absolutely not too late to comment! I'll be announcing the result of the competition next month. In the meantime, please say hello to your son for me, and I hope he enjoys Phoenix too!


Type your comment in the box, then choose an option from the list (it's fine to choose 'anonymous'), then click 'Publish'.
Your comment will not appear automatically, but will go into a queue for moderation.

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